The Big Fight – Corona Vs The Great Indian Moms…..

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It came, it saw and it conquered; well that’s what corona has done, casually walked into our lives, no knock on the door, no call, taking full advantage of the careless behaviour of the human species the world over took a hassle free entry into the body and travelled the world over, putting the fear of death in citizens of country after country without much ado.

scientific logic and moms

As the corona virus travelled, it ensured shutting down of all places of interests, the industries, , the offices , the hotels & restaurants, schools & colleges, imposed a total ban on air travel, actually to cut the long story short it ensured a total shut down in most countries..

But it did manage to get most of us back to our roots too, got the values back to humans, the values which had been forgotten and kept in the top most shelf of the tallest almirah in every home. The families got back together, the houses started looking like homes again, people started to work with own hands as the helping hands from homes vanished, the kids started relishing the home made healthy food which they had long lost taste of (rather some of them had not known that their moms and dads could cook and that too better than the auntie they had employed).The Indian way of greeting; the folded hand ‘Namaskar’ is back in vogue.

When everything seemed lost in the battle against the virus, no scientific solution in sight, no medicine available it is the Great Indian Mom who is up on her feet to protect her family and drive the evil spirit (corona) away.

Her prescription for any disease is simple, time tested passed on from generations by moms to their daughters. Simple home formulas consisting of easily available herbs garnished with love and immense belief.

Daily two doses (morning & evening) of her special ‘Kaadha’ a concoction of Tulsi (basil), dash of cinnamon, green cardamom, black pepper, ginger, giloyi (green herb), mulethi (liquorice).

A glass of lemon water (lukewarm) morning and evening. Add to this a combo of ginger, lemon& honey and warm water gargling day and night.

Purifies the air and home in her own way burning the camphor.

Good healthy food three times a day.

Maintaining love and harmony at home.

The ‘Doodh Haldi’ or the Turmeric Latte as some would love to call it. (Just for information, some Moms have mastered their own recipe of using the ‘Latte’ to sort out the worst kind of devils ;The effective use of ‘Jutti’ (Indian women footwear). No devil has ever been able to withstand the ‘Jutti’ effect, it  hits so bad, so better listen).

She has many other prescriptions up her sleeve like steam inhalation specially          prepared with a sprinkling of  ajwain/ carom seeds for relief from cough, stuffed nose/ throat ailments or the Fenugreek, honey tea for controlling phlegm.

Her quiet prayers which hardly ever go unanswered because she hardly ever asks anything for herself.

Her capability to exercise patience in any adversity and ability to go on requesting the      child or husband to consume the home remedies till they finally relent.

She may seem outdated, pestering, her demands too many at times defying logic but she is always well meaning. Try out her prescriptions and I can say with conviction that No repeat No Virus will dare come anywhere near you. Scientists will keep asking scientific evidence; let them. All scientists keep questioning each other’s discoveries / inventions, they are used to doubting, so be it, why should we bother…there are no negative side effects anyways (may just keep your corona test negative).

indian mom

“Have trust …. Moms will win and so will you…. Just be with them in this big fight….Make India win”


  1. Sir,
    In this blog I see the flare for satire.. Do we see some satire write-ups in coming future in place of motivational blogs

    1. Hii..Thanks for reading…
      I am certainly going to try my hand at variety…depends on the thoughts which flow through the mind that particular day ..

      1. Thanks for glorifying Moms(especially Indian Moms). The mention of Jutti and Latte is adding humour to the write up. All home remedies of our grandmothers that are being followed by most of us mothers are aptly mentioned .
        Good and intresting work.

  2. The great Indian family is back into its roots. Excellent Write up with useful information for all those Millennia Generation who missed out on the power of Indian moms and kitchens.

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