Do you have it in you…Courage, confidence, choice….

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Have a dream, follow it with passion, setbacks will be there but never give up, succeed you will. This is ‘one template fit all’ formula most motivational speakers have for most startups / new entrants. If it was all just this easy then why does one see so many failures around. For every one success story there will be many failures to read about. Well, passion, hard work are all the necessary ingredients of a success story and most people apparently have them in good amount.  Why do they still fail to achieve the desired goals? 

Courage is the main virtue, most people lack. While they may have the courage to dream, most do not have enough courage to express, courage to go against the established norms, courage to take risks, courage to learn & unlearn, courage to face failures, overcome fears and the courage to get up again. Courage to own a failure, to accept mistakes, going all over again to find the right solution and moving ahead matters most in the run up to success. If you don’t have the courage to jump into the pool you will never learn swimming and just keep dreaming about it. 

From courage flows ‘Self Confidence’, the most important ingredient required to break a new path. Confidence comes through education, learning from the books, contemporaries, competitors and from your own mistakes. Once you have learnt, acquired the right skills and the right company, you will move ahead with confidence ready to take risks and face any obstacle. 

It’s the combination of courage and confidence which gives the power to make choices. To make a choice between the perceived right and wrong, to make the choice of taking or not taking risks. Most important of all, confidence helps you in making the choice to follow your dream when whole world appears to be against it.


“It’s the combination of Courage, Confidence and ability to make right choices which will lead you to success”


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