Stress …There are ways to Deal…..

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stressStress will always there you like it or not, what matters is how one deals with it. Students are under stress because of studies and competitions , parents are under stress constantly worrying for future of their kids and then there is the work related stress ever on the increase. Number of lives are being lost because they were not able to handle the stress.

Why is the stress related incidents ever on the rise be it in studies or at work? The reasons are not difficult to find. Lets take the case of students first , most of them take up subjects in school or college not because they liked them but generally because they did not like the other subjects on offer or their parents / elders in family wanted them to pursue particular subjects. The choices are generally limited to subjects facilitating joining the field of Engineering , Medical , Chartered Accountant ,  or Law . Irrespective of the fact whether the child wants to take these subjects or not whether he has an aptitude/ love for these professions he has to pursue these subjects in school or college .

The child is offered very little choice in most cases rather to be true he is hardly given an option. This is the first cause of stress .The child  tries to master a subject in which he may have no interest at all. To achieve that he will be made to cut down his leisure hours , give up love of sports / drama / music and may even stick to books during weekends or holidays. There are hardly any diversions or breaks , just study and study. Then there is the pressure of performing in competitive exams, the fear of not being able to make it in the merit which adds to the stress manifold.

Once the child is through the exams and the competitive exams he may end up in a profession he has no love or aptitude for. There again he will get into the cycle of long working hours , no breaks ,to meet the targets and deadlines. Very little time for family which may further add to stress . If both husband and wife are working in similar conditions then there is hardly any time for each other or relatives / friends/ social commitments. Most just wait for the weekend to unwind , but hardly get time to socialize. Money starts mattering the most . Success is counted in terms of salary not satisfaction or peace of mind. To earn more money more hours are dedicated to work leaving still lesser for anything else.

How does one overcome this stress syndrome? The answer is love. Anything / anyone you love hardly ever causes stress. Just do what you love. Find your purpose , your passion and follow it. The passion will itself work as an inspiration or motivator . You won’t have to look outside for motivation . In school let the child make the selection of subjects he wants to study. Let him select his own future. Parents and elders may guide and give in their inputs based on experience but let the child make his own decision. Let the child follow his passion . Why try to make him a doctor or engineer when all that he wants to do is play a guitar or be an actor.

It is well understood that there is no substitute for hard work in any field but then one must also understand that there is no substitute for socializing , interaction and networking. Balance your work life between these. Take breaks regularly to rejuvenate ,re-energize. Have a good hobby to divert your mind from the work stress. You will face any stress with a smile. 

Stress …There are ways to Deal…..


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